
Every child has an artisrt in him & to bring out that the school from time to time organises inter house drawing competition. Apart from it the competition also gives a platform to recognise & brush up the talent of the students in the field of art & drawing.

The Interhouse Rangoli Competition was held on 2nd Oct'19 in the school campus.

The school celebrated the Swechchta Abhiyan in the campus to motivate & elighten the students to keep their house & their surrounding clean as cleanliness is next to godliness.

A fully equiped laboratory of science & mathematics is maintained as per the CBSE rules & regulations.All the classes have regular practicals so that they can be familiarised with the equipments & solutions at a very tender age.

The lab has a good number of computers for the students to learn about the basics of the computers.The ratio is of two students per computer.All the systems are connected with the Wi Fi for the internet knowledge.

The Students participated in the science exihibition organised by the Sahodaya Group & won the third prize in the competition.

Celebrated theWorld Yoga Day on 21st June'19 in the school campus with a pledge to make yoga an integral part of our daily life.

The school has volleyball,Kabbadi, Kho kho & Badminton courts for the children to play

A Science Exihibition was held in the school campus on 30th Nov'19